Member-only story
Thanksgiving is One Day (taking the concept of Cheat Days to the Holidays)
From the desk of a serial dieter — the best advice I ever read on weight loss was in a bodybuilding magazine. I have no clue who the bodybuilder was, but he made an excellent point: Thanksgiving, he said, is one day. Ditto Christmas. That doesn’t automatically give anyone a green light to eat themselves into a coma. But even on diets that don’t include a weekly cheat day, one day off to enjoy the bounty of the holidays shouldn’t send anyone into a panic. (Note: I’m not a doctor, and not giving medical advice. If there’s a diagnosed medical condition for avoiding certain foods or certain amounts of foods, then maybe cheat days aren’t an option. In which case may you find something you love to take the place of food and enjoy it thoroughly!)
But while we’re on the subject of cheat days and the holidays are coming up fast this year, before the holidays fill you with terror or guilt, consider what you’re eating and then consider what you’re pre-eating.
Right. Pre-eating. I just made that term up, I think, but it says what I want it to say. How often do we know there’s going to be a huge feast in the offing, at Grandma’s or Mom’s or the in-law’s house or with friends but it’s not for hours and we’re going to cheat anyway on whatever healthy eating plan or crazy diet scheme we’re currently following…